Methadone Detox: Opiate Addict Says Detox Not the Answer for Him –

Methadone Detox: Opiate addict says detox not the answer for him –

Opiate addict says detox not the answer for him
A 22-year-old Lower Sackville man with an opiate addiction says the province has offered him a spot in a detox program, but he doesn't think it'll help. Shayne Nelson is one of 300 people on a waitlist to get into the methadone treatment program at

Methadone Detox – Google News

Methadone Detox: Community detox scheme goes national – Irish Medical Times

Irish Medical Times

Community detox scheme goes national
Irish Medical Times
It is for patients who are prescribed methadone or those who are taking prescribed or illicitly-sourced benzodiazepines and want support to reduce or cease their use of these substances, but can't or don't want to go into residential detox. Background

Methadone Detox – Google News

Methadone Detox: Popular this week – Scottish Daily Record

Scottish Daily Record

Popular this week
Scottish Daily Record
Cunningham said that of Scotland's 50,000 problem drug users – 22,000 of whom are on methadone – only 678 were put into residential rehab and detox last year. She added: “Addicts are offered a range of treatments, not just methadone.” The minister

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Methadone Detox – Google News

Methadone Detox: Rapid Detox.Fully conscious.Day 3.

After 4 weeks on Morphine and Dilaudid, it was having no effect. My body had developed a tolerance so it was time to give these horrible pain killers the flick once again! This time I was still in hospital. Thank goodness as this detox would have literally killed me at home. I knew what I was about to face. Withdrawls. BUT no where near where I thought it was going to be. I have NEVER had withdrawls this severe. It was agonisingly painful. I did a rapid detox, the detox that they give a general anaesthetic (GA) for, along with medications to reverse the effects of withdrawls and any medications left in the system. I however did it WITHOUT the GA. All I used was a Ketamine infusion, Clonadine and an occasional Valium. They use a GA with rapid detox because of the distressing, literally paralizing, distressing, painful effects of withdrawing so quickly. Dilaudid is around 8.3 times stronger than Morphine. It is a very strong synthetic opiate and worse to withdraw from than Heroin. Taking up to 21 days for withdrawls to cease. It is now day 14 and I am still suffering painful withdrawl symptoms. Ketamine is a fast acting GA. It has been found to be a useful in controlling pain in Palliative care patient’s in a low dose infusion or injected. BUT also it has been found to decrease opiate tolerance by 30% to 50% in just 3 hours! It also means that it causes rapid detox. Ketamine itself is a nasty drug. It causes halucinations in every form and a feeling of being in different
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