Refusal to Hire an Addict Brings a Lawsuit – Raleigh News & Observer

Methadone Detox: Refusal to hire an addict brings a lawsuit – Raleigh News & Observer
He has a wife and a child, she said. Burns could not be reached for comment. Methadone is a powerful pain reliever commonly used in drug detox programs to treat addiction to heroin and other opiates. The EEOC suit says Burns had “a seven-year drug …
Methadone Detox – Bing News

Methadone Detox: All Attica hospitals to run drug replacement programmes from September 15 – Athens News
“We cannot eradicate the use of drugs but we can wage a great battle,” Loverdos said, adding that methadone programmes will also be … He noted that five detox units were already prepared in Thessaloniki to help some 987 addicted individuals that are …
Methadone Detox – Bing News

Methadone Detox: Out of prison and into rehab – Athens News
“They need protection. They either need [methadone] treatment or detox. We should not criminalise the user. We want to support them and go after the traffickers.” But Greeks in need of drug rehab services face the longest waiting list in the European Unio
Methadone Detox – Bing News

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