Posts Tagged ‘Drug Test False Positive’

Can I Fail My Drug Test From Being Around Pot Second Hand?

Question by butterflyspy: Can I fail my drug test from being around pot second hand?
I recently was at a party and alot of people were smoking weed there. I have to take adrug test and was wondering could I fail if it because I was around it even though I didnt smoke it?

Best answer:

Answer by NNY
yes. but its not likely

Answer by luvin_hardrock0
well no because ur lungs would get rid of it emmediatly.

Related Methadone Drug Test False Positive Information…

Can I Fail My Drug Test From Being Around Pot Second Hand?

Question by butterflyspy: Can I fail my drug test from being around pot second hand?
I recently was at a party and alot of people were smoking weed there. I have to take adrug test and was wondering could I fail if it because I was around it even though I didnt smoke it?

Best answer:

Answer by NNY
yes. but its not likely

Answer by luvin_hardrock0
well no because ur lungs would get rid of it emmediatly.

NYPD cops confused Jolly Rancher candies for crystal meth: suit
… being detained for 24 hours, it was “only a matter of time before they found something,” according to the complaint. Taylor also claimed that he administered a field test to determine if the candy was narcotics and got a “positive” result, the …
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NYPD Confused Jolly Ranchers for Crystal Meth: Suit

NYPD confused Jolly Ranchers for crystal meth: suit
… being detained for 24 hours, it was “only a matter of time before they found something,” according to the complaint. Taylor also claimed that he administered a field test to determine if the candy was narcotics and got a “positive” result, the …
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Former Mill Valley merchant sues county over fake-meth case
A former Mill Valley shopkeeper convicted of selling fake methamphetamine at his store has filed a lawsuit against the county, claiming the case ruined his business and violated his rights. David McDonald … But as the case progressed, authorities …
Read more on Marin Independent Journal

Related Methadone Drug Test False Positive Information…

NYPD Cops Mistake Jolly Ranchers for Crystal Meth

NYPD cops mistake Jolly Ranchers for crystal meth
NEW YORK, NY – What first started out as a sweet drug bust quickly turned sour. A New York City man is suing the NYPD for allegedly falsely arresting him, after the crystal meth cops claim was in his pocket turned out to be Jolly Rancher Candies. Talk …
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Former Mill Valley merchant sues county over fake-meth case
But as the case progressed, authorities learned the initial tests on the powders had yielded false results for meth and ephedrine. McDonald went to trial on reduced charges, arguing that he was selling filler powder for drug dealers to mix with cocaine.
Read more on Marin Independent Journal

NASCAR's reputation takes another hit with Kvapil arrest
… which includes him being indefinitely suspended after testing positive for methamphetamine along with his ongoing legal woes. And then there was the suspension of A.J. Allmendinger last summer after he failed a random NASCAR administered drug test.
Read more on SB Nation

Can I Fail My Drug Test From Being Around Pot Second Hand?

Question by butterflyspy: Can I fail my drug test from being around pot second hand?
I recently was at a party and alot of people were smoking weed there. I have to take adrug test and was wondering could I fail if it because I was around it even though I didnt smoke it?

Best answer:

Answer by NNY
yes. but its not likely

Answer by luvin_hardrock0
well no because ur lungs would get rid of it emmediatly.

NYPD confused Jolly Ranchers for crystal meth: suit
… being detained for 24 hours, it was “only a matter of time before they found something,” according to the complaint. Taylor also claimed that he administered a field test to determine if the candy was narcotics and got a “positive” result, the …
Read more on New York Daily News

Can I Fail My Drug Test From Being Around Pot Second Hand?

Question by butterflyspy: Can I fail my drug test from being around pot second hand?
I recently was at a party and alot of people were smoking weed there. I have to take adrug test and was wondering could I fail if it because I was around it even though I didnt smoke it?

Best answer:

Answer by NNY
yes. but its not likely

Answer by luvin_hardrock0
well no because ur lungs would get rid of it emmediatly.

NYPD confused Jolly Ranchers for crystal meth: suit
… being detained for 24 hours, it was “only a matter of time before they found something,” according to the complaint. Taylor also claimed that he administered a field test to determine if the candy was narcotics and got a “positive” result, the …
Read more on New York Daily News