Posts Tagged ‘The Guardian’

Wait Times for Detox Down Dramatically, Says Province – the Guardian Charlottetown

Wait times for detox down dramatically, says province – The Guardian Charlottetown

Wait times for detox down dramatically, says province
The Guardian Charlottetown
As of this week, there are 14 people on the waiting list for detox, compared with 134 on the same list in 2012. Government attributes the significant decrease to a better organized intake process and increased investment in the methadone maintenance 

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Methadone Detox – Google News

Downtown Eastside: Canada’s ‘most famous junkie’ comes clean – Vancouver Courier

Vancouver Courier

Downtown Eastside: Canada's 'most famous junkie' comes clean
Vancouver Courier
Wilson spent some time this week with the Courier to talk drug addiction, the Downtown Eastside and what life is like for a recovering addict pushing 60. You mentioned you went through detox and got on the methadone program. But how have you managed 

Methadone Detox – Google News

Trying to 'save' the Poor Doesn't Actually Help

Trying to 'save' the poor doesn't actually help
I had met Eric and Sonya two years earlier, when their home was an abandoned building in the Hunts Point section of the Bronx, New York City's poorest area. She was a former "soccer mom" who started using heroin … When another addict, Shelly, was …
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Philip Seymour Hoffman and the Truth About Curing Addiction – the Guardian

Philip Seymour Hoffman and the truth about curing addiction – The Guardian

The Guardian

Philip Seymour Hoffman and the truth about curing addiction
The Guardian
In the past few years substitution treatment has become politicised, with the Tories arguing that addiction is a "lifestyle choice" and that "parking" people on methadone was a waste of public money that encourages addiction. Although neither of these

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

More Drug Abuse Methadone Information…

What Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Sponsor Could Have Done for Him – TIME (Blog)

What Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Sponsor Could Have Done for Him – TIME (blog)

ABC News

What Philip Seymour Hoffman's Sponsor Could Have Done for Him
TIME (blog)
Both NA and Alcoholics Anonymous have had to warn [PDF] members not to “play doctor” in this way since suicides have occurred when people stopped taking needed medication. This issue is most acute when it comes to the long-term use of medications
In private, tortured drama, Hoffman loses life to drugsThe Villager
Philip Seymour Hoffman and the truth about curing addictionThe Guardian
Of Cabbages and Kings: Heroin goes uptownDaily Astorian

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Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

Sally Satel: Heroin and painkillers come together – Politics in Minnesota

Sally Satel: Heroin and painkillers come together
Politics in Minnesota
I've seen a number of patients in my methadone clinic who have turned to heroin from prescription pills to maintain a habit more cheaply. When the police and the Drug Enforcement Administration crack down on pill mills and the diversion of prescription

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What Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Sponsor Could Have Done for Him – TIME (Blog)

What Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Sponsor Could Have Done for Him – TIME (blog)

Washington Post

What Philip Seymour Hoffman's Sponsor Could Have Done for Him
TIME (blog)
Both NA and Alcoholics Anonymous have had to warn [PDF] members not to “play doctor” in this way since suicides have occurred when people stopped taking needed medication. This issue is most acute when it comes to the long-term use of medications
100 Americans die of drug overdoses each day. How do we stop that?Washington Post (blog)
In private, tortured drama, Hoffman loses life to drugsThe Villager
Philip Seymour Hoffman and the truth about curing addictionThe Guardian
Daily Astorian –Forbes –American News Report
all 9,240 news articles »

Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

Sally Satel: Heroin and painkillers come together – Politics in Minnesota

Little Memory of Dragging Police Officer Along Road, Court Told – Daily Advertiser

Little memory of dragging police officer along road, court told – Daily Advertiser

Little memory of dragging police officer along road, court told
Daily Advertiser
A day after his arrest on October 7, 2012, for a home invasion, Mackay was taken to Wagga Base Hospital when he started detoxing having consumed ice, Xanax, methadone and alcohol. At the hospital, he pushed two police officers aside before running to 

Methadone Detox – Google News

Aaron Sorkin: Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Death Saved 10 Lives – TIME

The Guardian

Aaron Sorkin: Philip Seymour Hoffman's Death Saved 10 Lives
For the lucky, treatment options like short term detox tapers followed by residential rehab and a lifelong commitment to AA/NA, will be enough. But for others, maintenance based treatment like methadone is the only way that they will be able to remain
Breaking the cycle: Heroin's deadly grip on addictsCBS News
Tragic Death of Philip Seymour Hoffman Offers a Teachable Moment about

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