Methadone Alcohol Abuse: Cell-Death Report Shocks Family

Methadone Alcohol Abuse in the News

Methadone Alcohol Abuse: Cell-death report shocks family
At the time of his death, Beaudry had a blood-alcohol level of 0.19, as well as the presence of cocaine, methadone and prescription antidepressants. The medical examiner ruled the combination may have had a toxic effect, but that Beaudry's death
Read more on Edmonton Journal

Methadone Alcohol Abuse: Goldie attacks delays to public service reform in Scotland
But the threat to which I referred was not like drugs abuse or excessive alcohol consumption. It doesn't arise out of something that people do but rather out of something which they don't do. I am talking about parenting skills or sadly in far too many
Read more on DeHavilland (press release) (subscription)

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