I Have Morphine Sulfate and How Much Does It Take to Make You High?

Question by lailaolivia: i have morphine sulfate and how much does it take to make you high?
my friend does drugs and i have some morphine sulfate for my back pain and she wants me to give some to her so she feels high?..

how many pills does it take for you to get high?
I NEED to know.

tell me that so i give her less pills so she doesnt OD or feel anything, i want her to stop drugs.

Best answer:

Answer by pcbeachrat
If your going to give her some morphine..then you don’t want her to quit that bad..one pill will get a person high if they are using them as prescribed..If an addict is taking them, then it all depends on how bad thier dependancy is…could take 2 or 12….however, once again he/she needs to check into a methadone treatment or in house counseling..giving he/her 1 or 12 wont make matters better..they will be knocking on your door untill they are gone..or they will steal them from you..one or the other

Answer by Cavin G
By giving her these morphine, IF she is an addict, which it seems so (she won’t believe it, but that’s normal), then you’re being a codependent by giving her these pills. If it bothers you that she gets high, then don’t let her. Or at least in her presence. Sending her this message will give her a message that her life is becoming unmanageable because of drugs. Which is the first step of the Twelve Steps of AA/NA.
“I admit that I am powerless over my addiction. That my life has become unmanageable.”
If you want more info, send me an email. [email protected]
I will give you a more in-depth opinion if you send me the frequency of drug use, the problems she’s had because of or relating to drug use, loss of interest in other activites because of drug use, etc…
The above person is partially right. If she’s an addict, she will probably steal them anyway. But a methadone treatment center isn’t necessary if she’s not PHYSICALLY addicted. One DOES NOT need to have a physical dependency to be an addict. A psychological dependancy is actually the thing people need to worry about, as people who take Benzodiazepines and Opiates and don’t do it to get high on them get physically addicted, but not psychologically. Being psychologically addicted means that the person LOVES to get high. They’ll go to any means to GET high. They do things that are in spite of their own previous morals to get high. They take one drink or drug, and cannot stop. They have cravings to get high and they are even worse once a drug enters the body.
There is, however, people who are NOT addicts, but do get high on occasion. These people don’t need more to get high. They don’t need to get high. But they do enjoy it, and will do it if there is anything to get high with available. There are responsible pill users, pot smokers, coke blowers, even SOMETIMES heroin users.
A fun fact is, there seems to be no known people who can use crack or crystal Methamphetamine and not immediately become psychologically dependent.

Edit: To the person that says Cocaine is “non-addictive” that is a bunch of BULLSHIT! Cocaine CAN and IS used responsibly by SOME people, but is very FAR from being non-addictive. If used just once too many times, it is VERY addictive. In fact, it is one of the MOST addictive substances known to man. This is because it triggers activity in the same places that we get the ‘rewards’ for drinking water, eating food, breathing, sleeping. Anything that does this is VERY addictive. Period.
ALSO: Barack Obama does NOT support the legalization of Cocaine.

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