County Aggressive in Illegal Drug Cases – Exeter News-Letter

Drug Methadone: County aggressive in illegal drug cases – Exeter News-Letter

County aggressive in illegal drug cases
Exeter News-Letter
Diosi, 27, of Epping pleaded guilty earlier this month to a charge of dispensing a controlled drug — death resulting, for giving a fatal dose of methadone to 26-year-old Danielle Rock of Exeter in October 2010. "These type of cases are complicated and

Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Illegal drugs seized at Concow residence; investigation ongoing – Enterprise-Record

Illegal drugs seized at Concow residence; investigation ongoing
CONCOW — The Butte Interagency Task Force and the Butte County Sheriff's Office seized 1.87 ounces of methamphetamine, three pounds of marijuana, numerous methadone medications, a stun gun, $ 4198, and a 1998 Harley Davidson motorcycle from a residence

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Tiniest patients face huge battle: drug addiction – WVLT

Tiniest patients face huge battle: drug addiction
A year ago, doctors would have given these babies methadone until they were stable, then sent them home with the drug to continue treatment. "Having the parents or caregivers take to use themselves or sell to buy other drugs," says Terry King,

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Drug Methadone – Google News

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