Pass Methadone Drug Test: The Marijuana Debate, a Judge's Plea and Readers' Thoughts

Pass Methadone Drug Test in the News

Pass Methadone Drug Test: The marijuana debate, a judge's plea and readers' thoughts
It's an attempt by the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol to rally support for a vote in November that would legalize the drug for recreational use. (Colorado legalized marijuana for medical use in 2000.) If it were legalized, Colorado would …
Read more on CNN (blog)

Pass Methadone Drug Test: Sokolove Law, LLC | Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Against Government
by on May 15 2012 The federal government is being sued by the estate of a soldier who died in 2008, in a $ 2 million wrongful death lawsuit claiming that he was not ready to be given a three day pass by the VA Medical Center. The wrongful death lawsuit …
Read more on Linex Legal (press release) (registration)

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