Methadone Addicts: State Cites Duluth Methadone Clinic for Violations

Methadone Addicts in the News

Methadone Addicts: State cites Duluth methadone clinic for violations
Duluth's only methadone clinic has fallen under tight scrutiny by the Minnesota Department of Human Services after the clinic was found to have 26 violations after an investigation fueled by complaints about the chemical-dependency treatment center.
Read more on Duluth News Tribune

Methadone Addicts: Methadone clinic cuts counsellor
She has said she wants transparency and to see facts and numbers about how successful the local methadone maintenance treatment program has been. Varenbut said there are more than 50 counsellors and addiction therapists across the 42 OATCs.
Read more on Owen Sound Sun Times

Methadone Addicts: Free Acupuncture for Great American Smokeout, AOMA, Austin, TX

Since 2001, AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine has offered free acupuncture treatments for people who want to quit smoking, in conjunction with the Great American Smokeout. Quitting smoking can be a very challenging. Factors such as nicotine cravings, increase in anxiety, weight gain, irritability, and sickness due to detoxification can all be contributing factors for people failing to quit. However, continuing to smoke leads to more complicated health issues such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, various forms of cancer and the decline in reproductive organs making it harder for women to get pregnant. The National institute on Drug Abuse found that tobacco use kills approximately 440000 Americans each year and one out of every five of those deaths is the result of smoking. As knowledge becomes more accessible about these health risks more people are choosing to kick the habit. According to the American Lung Association the number of smokers between 1965 and 2008 has decreased by more than 50 percent. The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reported that in 2008 an estimated 51.1 million adults were formal smokers and of the 45 million current adult smokers 57.9 percent of these smokers stopped smoking at least one day in order to try to quit smoking completely. In honor of National smokeout day AOMA is offering free acupuncture to help smokers kick the habit for good! Acupuncturist will be at the North clinic on W. Anderson lane on Thursday, November 17
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