Methadone Clinics: Methadone Clinics Up and Running in Dunmore – Scranton Times-Tribune

Methadone Clinics: Methadone clinics up and running in Dunmore – Scranton Times-Tribune
A methadone treatment clinic quietly opened in Dunmore, despite years of litigation that tried to stop it from happening. Massachusetts-based Habit OPCO recently opened the clinic, which seeks to reduce a person’s dependence on heroin and other …
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Methadone Clinics: Warren to finally consider proposal for methadone clinic – Bangor Daily News
WARREN, Maine — The long stalled proposal for a methadone clinic in Warren will be heard by the town planning board next week. The planning board has scheduled a meeting for 7 p.m. Thursday, May 31, at the Warren Community School to again hear …
Methadone Clinics – Bing News

Methadone Clinics: Clinicians say giving addicts maintenance methadone serves them and society best – Sun-Journal…. The Lewiston man said he needed those seven days to wean himself off methadone, the drug he’d been getting at a clinic to help him kick a prescription drug habit.
Methadone Clinics – Bing News

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