Local Groups Fight Back Against Drug Abuse

Methadone Detox: Local groups fight back against drug abuse
WEIRTON – Local residents are taking a stand against drug abuse in the community and Never Alone, W.Va. is leading the way with another walk for awareness later this month.
Methadone Detox – Yahoo! News Search Results

Methadone Detox: How to deal with Methadone withdrawal with Dr Rodriquez and Delray Center

Methadone withdrawal “Lets talk about Methadone withdrawal. Methadone withdrawal for the most part looks like opiate withdrawal with a few differences. The first difference is that Methadone withdrawal comes on a little later then opiate withdrawal. If somebody stops using an opiate a conventional opiate whether it be a prescription medication or heroin the person will experience withdrawal within a matter of hours to within a day or so. They will start to feel the typical symptoms clammy skin the goose bumps the hot flashes nausea yawning runny nose sneezing teary eyes a lot of pain they feel like you have the flu. An overall sense of discomfort and often depression no energy and difficulty sleeping. Now with Methadone it comes on a little later. Maybe not until the second or even third day will a person experience full withdrawal symptoms coming off of Methadone. this is due to the long half life that Methadone has it last much much longer then pretty much any other opiate medication that exist on the market. Even longer acting medications like oxycotton or MScotton really are short half life medications. They are in a long half life slow release shell but really once that medicine wears off the withdrawal comes on pretty quickly. Methadone itself is a inheritly long half life long acting medication that in no matter how its delivered will last a very long time and of course the withdrawal comes on much later. Other notable elements about Methadone withdrawal is that it
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