Methadone Detox: Heroin Addiction-the Methadone Cure

   People become addicted to heroin for many reasons, that vary from physical pain to mental and emotional pain, to just plain recreational high.  The most common reason is emotional pain.  People who have suffered tramatic experiences in their younger life, and have not been able to seek the help they need, through therapy or doctors, go without any solution to their problems will many times seek help to relieve their emotional pain by self medicating.

   I have seen people of all ages, as young as 9 or 10 years old, and from all classes, and from all backgrounds fall into a heroin habit to releive their mental and emotional pain.  Once one falls into this habit, the odds of rehabilitation without some sort of help are very slim.  Statistics say that unaided, only about 2% of the population can free themselves of this habit without help. 

   Methadone is a synthetic opiate, that was invented during world war II, when the opium was blocked from entering Germany.  Hitlers armies, many of them wounded and in severe pain due to the fighting of the war, found that they had no way to relieve the pain of their men.  It was due to this urgent need, that Hitler’s scientists invented a substitute opium, a synthetic form, and they called it methadone.  Today it has been one of the main substitutes for heroin and it has been nicknamed Hitlers revenge, because of where it came from.  It is very close to the same thing as far as relieving pain, except that it lasts anywhere from 8 to 12 hours, in contrast to heroin which lasts only 5 to 8 hours in your system.

One of the more popular “cures” for this addiction problem has been Methadone.  I have been on and off of methadone myself at least 10 or 12 times.  A couple of times I did a 21 day detox, and the rest of the times were simple maintenances.   Maintainance means that I went to the clinic every morning to get my dose of medicine, and after giving the clinic clean urine tests, you can earn take home doses after a while.  This then means that you go in let’s say Monday, and you take your medicine, and they give you the next days dose so that you do not have to go in the next day but then Wednesday I would have to go again.   In this manner you eventually earn enough places to go only once a week and pick up the whole weeks worth.  But, if you give them a dirty urine test during this time, you lose your status and have to begin again with the clean tests.

   Some people can make this work for them, and here is why and how.  There are those addicts among us who can never just give up their addiction to drugs.  They are the ones that mentally and emotionally cannot give it up due to the fact that they have issues that they have never dealt with, and their pain, whether physical or mental is too much to not be medicated.  Unless they face this fact and get the help that they  need, they will never be drug free, and for us as society on the whole to expect them to is not only unfair and out of line, but cruel. 

   Emotional pain is the most common cause of addiction in our country today.  Emotional pain that was caused by tramatic experiences in our younger days can usually be traced down as a reason.  Your emotional pain cannot be measured, not can anyone feel another persons pain.  It is very common for a person to put down another person’s pain, and feel that their pain is far worse than the next person’s.  This is very common and you will hear things like “get over it” or “you think that is bad, check out mine” being used when discussing a person’s pain when comparring.  It is estimated that over 80% of all addiction problems is due to that person’s emotional pain, and unless that emotional pain is dealt with, the addiction and/or self medication is there to stay, no matter what help you go after.

   Methadone is perfect as far as a cure for heroin addiction for two reasons.  One reason is that it is legal, therefore it lifts the burden of the possibility of going to jail and losing one’s freedom due to its use. This only further causes more distress and pain, furthering the addiction.  The second reason it is a perfect aid, is that it is a medicine that is always at a constant strenghth, and is given out by legal medical staff, thus lessening the possibility of an overdose, and also because it is administered daily at a clinic, at a certain time, gives the person back a whole lot of their life, for they no longer have to take the time to hustle up money, or search the streets for the drug itself.  By 6:00 AM the person has taken his dose and is free now to go on with his life, like go to work, school, or whatever activities are before you.

   This would be probably the number one way I would suggest a person who is addicted to heroin go about dealing with his problem.  There are detox programs, or maintanance programs, and after talking it over with the medical staff you can decide which way is best for you and your situation.

I am the mother of three grown boys, now men, who are all successful professionals with college degrees.  I have been writing children’s books, and am in the process of getting them published.

If you are interested in reading any of my articles or short stories go to and from there you will find over 100 of them.

My husband and myself are retired, and I am teaching myself to write online from my home computer, and have successsfully written over 100 articles and short stories on the site.  I truly enjoy writing and have a wide selection of topics that I have written articles on, from animals and pets, raising children, family topics, to stories about commercial diving in the channel islands off the coast of california.  I also have quite a few articles involving social issues including addictions, homelessness, and many other issues that touch our communities today.

I hope that you will feel free to check out my stories, for they are easy reading and thought provoking.  Thanks.

Methadone Detox: Methadone Detox Miami

As seen on A&E’s Intervention… A dignified and compassionate Drug Detox center in Miami. Alcohol Detox, Xanax Detox, Heroin Detox, Opiate Detox, Methadone and Suboxone Detox or any other habit forming drug or medication. Detox with dignity at the detox specialist, specializing in the most advanced drug detox in the united states with minimal discomfort. Summer House has been in business longer than any other private detox center in florida, our primary focus is on getting you safely and comfortably through what is normaly a difficult time at other detox facilities. Call anytime 24 hours a day 888-DETOX-123
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