In the Crossfire: Legalize Marijuana? – CNN (Blog)

In the Crossfire: Legalize Marijuana? – CNN (blog)

In the Crossfire: Legalize Marijuana?
CNN (blog)
Yes, if alcohol is legal which kills thousands of people each year, and pills doctors prescribing killing peoples livers and causing people to shoot up pharmacies. I don't think marijuana would cause someone to shoot up a place. January 3, 2014 at

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Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

California County Pushes Drugmakers To Take Back Unused Pills – Boise State Public Radio

California County Pushes Drugmakers To Take Back Unused Pills
Boise State Public Radio
I have Vicodin and methadone," says Hill, while rummaging through two bags of pill bottles and containers. Hill doesn't want the drugs to get into the hands of recreational users, or into drinking water. Her office has no easy way to dispose of them

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Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

The Dugout a refuge for angels in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside – Vancouver Sun

Vancouver Sun

The Dugout a refuge for angels in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside
Vancouver Sun
Despite the gourmet selections the most popular breads are white-sliced — the easiest to eat for those with sore or few teeth — and raisin bread, a natural remedy to counteract an unpleasant side-effect of methadone. The snacks, also donated, are

Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

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