Drug Abuse Methadone: State, Grand Rapids Clinics See Growing Need for Subsidized Methadone … – MLive.com

Drug Abuse Methadone: State, Grand Rapids clinics see growing need for subsidized methadone … – MLive.com


State, Grand Rapids clinics see growing need for subsidized methadone
Methadone, used for about 40 years as a heroin treatment, is a synthetic narcotic that suppresses drug withdrawal for 24 to 36 hours by occupying the opioid receptor in the brain. But the drugabuse problem has become so pervasive, the state and

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Drug Abuse Methadone: Drug abuse trends: Deaths down, with an insidious twist – KPLU News for Seattle and the Northwest

Drug abuse trends: Deaths down, with an insidious twist
KPLU News for Seattle and the Northwest
It's easier than the older replacement drug, methadone, because regular doctors can prescribe and monitor it. Methadone is available only through a few addiction clinics. More people getting treatment is a good sign, insofar as people are fighting
Most overdose deaths in King County don't involve illegal drugsThe Seattle Times
Majority of King County overdoses don't involve illegal drugsMyNorthwest.com

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Drug Abuse Methadone: Public high school opens precedent-setting drug clinic – Reuters

Public high school opens precedent-setting drug clinic
It will be run by Daytop Treatment Services, a network of drug and alcohol abuse centers, at no cost to the school district. The clinic will provide counseling but cannot dispense methadone or other drugs. "The school district is being incredibly

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Drug Abuse Methadone: Exclusive: Use of anti-drug drug methadone prevalent, but controversial – The News-Press

Exclusive: Use of anti-drug drug methadone prevalent, but controversial
The News-Press
Long linked in popular culture as a drug replacement for heroin users, methadone has emerged as a key weapon in Florida's war against prescription drug abuse. A little-noticed 2010 state review concluded that more than a dozen methadone clinics and

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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