To Much Adderall With High Blood Pressure? ?

Question by : To Much Adderall With High Blood Pressure? ?
My blood pressure is
With a 105 pulse.

I don’t know how many adderall I took today, but I remember taking
8 20mg ir
1 30mg IR
Then I think 4-6 of 25mg xr.

Is my blood pressure bad?

am I at stroke risk or death risk?

I have a huge tolerance to adderall
(Up to 7-8 30mg IR)

I don’t want to go to the hospital.
Then Ill get ripped off adderall from my doctor.
I’m 13, I have add. But the withdraw from high doses of adderall suck and I have school so I’m forced to take more. Can’t withdraw for school, or ill ditch. So, I’m trying to wean my self off.
Today I took ambien at 1-2pm to sooth the withdrawal from adderall (tried not to take any today and tomorrow, didn’t work out) and ended up taking a hole bunch of adderall.
not taking ambien again, it just makes me do stuff like this.
however for an hour it worked kinda like methadone, I felt no withdrawal. That hour was great.
When ambien wore off I went into this state, had to take adderall. Didn’t want to.
I think I have a problem. Going to try on my own, if it doesn’t work, tell my parents.

I already said this, but I have a HUGE(really, Huge) tolerance to adderall both ir (immediate release) and xr (extended release)

Is my blood pressure bad?

Please don’t say, “drug addict” or “go to rehab” , etc. Because its unhelpful and I can admit I have a problem & addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Zootal
The way I see it, you have two choices:

1) Tell your parents so they can get you the help you need.

2) Die. Soon. Real soon.

It’s your choice….

Answer by Mary
Its good that you can admit that you have a problem, but its another thing to have the guts to go to treatment. (just a thought 🙂 )

I would say to very slowly start weening yourself down. I know it stinks but just take it one day at a time. If you cannot do that, you need to go to the hospital and go to detox

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