How an Afghan Methadone Clinic Is Fighting to Counter HIV – World

Drug Methadone: How an Afghan Methadone Clinic is Fighting to Counter HIV – World
It has opened Afghanistan’s first methadone clinic. Methadone is a drug that dulls an addict’s craving for heroin, and because it is administered orally, there is no need for dangerous needles. Mohammed Moussa has been on methadone – and off heroin …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: 15 former drug addicts claim they were victimised by cops –
GEORGE TOWN: Fifteen former drug addicts on methadone treatment are claiming that they were victimised by police over an unnecessary drug test. They claimed that police did not know the difference between methadone and ketamine, and accused them of taking …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Most overdose deaths in King County don’t involve illegal drugs – Seattle Times
Of the 240 drug-caused deaths in King County last year, 130 involved prescription-type opiates such as methadone, oxycodone, hydrocodone, fentanyl or morphine. Methadone, which is often prescribed for pain and is also used as an opiate-substitute …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Psychoactive Drugs; Depressants, Stimulants and Hallucinogens – GroundReport
Another method of treating heroin addiction is by maintaining the addiction to heroin or by substituting drugs like methadone. This drug cannot cure the addiction but it can eliminate the need to illegally obtain the drugs as well as it allows a gradual …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Suit filed in Gregg jail death – Gilmer Mirror
“The addiction caused Amy to feel bad and continually disrupted her lifestyle because of the nature and effects that the drugs had on her,” the suit says. In 2003, the suit says, she entered a Methadone medical treatment program to get off and stay off pain killers.
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Methadone parents ‘both involved’
The mother of a baby who was given doses of methadone denies trying to lay the blame on her former partner.
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