Methadone Clinic to Be Managed by Private Company – San Mateo Daily Journal

Methadone Clinics: Methadone clinic to be managed by private company – San Mateo Daily Journal
The county’s methadone clinic in Menlo Park is being handed over to a private provider that officials hope will provide a strong dose of financial medicine and can help relocate to a more centrally located site. Finding a way to keep the clinic open …
Methadone Clinics – Bing News

Methadone Clinics: Wrong place for clinic, wrong way to treat city – Berkshire Eagle
If Spectrum Health Systems has an argument to make for opening a methadone clinic in Pittsfield it should make that argument in Pittsfield. Instead, it is attempting to sue its way into the city in federal court, which is not the way a potential …
Methadone Clinics – Bing News

Methadone Clinics: Methadone question – Zimbio
I bought these for 30 bucks a peice and was taking 1 every other day/ po I embelished my opioid problem to my shrink and he sheepishly suggested a methadone clinic. hrrrmm, I thought, whats a methadone clinic!!!?? my shrink saw hunger in my eye and tossed …
Methadone Clinics – Bing News

Methadone Clinics: Mark Cohen objects to methadone clinic

Pa. Rep. Mark Cohen objects to plans for a methadone clinic on the 7900-block of Frankford Avenue in Holmesburg.

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